Recently, I read an article (Will the Jhelum Smile Again?) written by Col (Retd) Anil Athale on rediff. Although he has written nothing relevant or even worthwile in the article (For example he says the Indian Govt. sells rice at Rs. 3 a KG to Kashmiris!!!), it became a discussion board for me to explain to my fellow brothers the actual state of affairs in Kashmir.
I was more shocked than surprised to see everyone attacking me in a synchronized manner. And the sad part is, not even a single person talked anything relevant about the Kashmir issue.
Most of the readers appeared to be inspired by Sangh-Parivar-like-stories with base neither in reality nor in history.
People talked about "Islamic Terrorism", a term coined by God knows who (Since Islam preaches peace, equality and justice more than anybody else), about Pakistan, about all Muslims being terrorists and even about a new strategy of minorities in India whereby an author, Ashish commented that minorities were playing victims in India and were planning to divide-and-rule India. I quote, "Currently the strategy is simple. Single out the strongest part of the body from it, which can fight or protect the body. And then work on and target the weaker parts and eat them all away eventually."
God knows where such ideas come from! However, he was not the only one. Many others rhymed with him.
People even talked about Muslims taking a weekly snan (The only one in a week!!) on a Friday. Having heard such things for the first time, I didnt have ready answers to many of these questions, Since being a Muslim, I know that Islam teaches us to keep highest level of personal hygiene.
The point I'm trying to make here is that Islam has been grossly misunderstood by our fellow brothers and sisters. I dont however blame ignorant people asking irrelevant questions. Blame for such an image of Islam today equally rests with us as well.
We as Muslims have not only failed to create a correct perception about ourselves, but have also allowed the perception to become synonymous with terrorism and backwardness.
While I was trying my best to restrict the discussion to Kashmir, all others kept on raising questions about Islam, terrorism and Pakistan. Some even went to the extent of quoting what Islamic Terrorists had been doing across the globe.
Another friend even went ahead to suggest a partition of population. Unfortunately, we have a short-term memory and nobody in our generation remebers that more than 1 Million people, Hindus and Muslims, were brutally killed in the worst ever partition of our country, not very long back. People seem to have no compassion left for each other.
Since rediff has auto comment moderation, a fellow brother even went ahead and coined a slogan for us (Muslims), (albiet written backwards!) "ak hsed hey aran ah "MILSUM ORAM HSED OOAHCAB"
I wonder why our brothers and sisters, on the other side of the Pir Panjal cannot see Kashmir issue independent of these inconsequential doctored fables. I wonder why nobody wants to address the people of Kashmir instead of land of Kashmir. I wonder why nobody realises the value of human lives. I wonder why there is no compassion left in the world. I wonder.....
What went wrong...
We have been treated as property and not as individuals. In the 19th century, Gulab Singh purchased us for a discounted price of Rs. 75 lakhs (Since the original demanded amount was Rs 1.5 Crore), at less than Rs. 2 per person!!
Today is no different. India and our brothers and sisters in India do not realise that they are dealing with people, not with property. I am an Indian and would want each Indian to introspect and try to listen to our grief, pain and sorrow, that has worsened over the years due to alienating policies of the government and indifferent attitute of the people.
Unfortunately, the face of India in Kashmir is the Army (Including Paramilitary Forces). The uncontrolled and unlimited power given to such entities has resulted in more than 1,00,000 killings over the years. (Both by terrorists as well as security forces)
Today is no different. India and our brothers and sisters in India do not realise that they are dealing with people, not with property. I am an Indian and would want each Indian to introspect and try to listen to our grief, pain and sorrow, that has worsened over the years due to alienating policies of the government and indifferent attitute of the people.
Unfortunately, the face of India in Kashmir is the Army (Including Paramilitary Forces). The uncontrolled and unlimited power given to such entities has resulted in more than 1,00,000 killings over the years. (Both by terrorists as well as security forces)
How does a common Kashmiri see India under such circumstances?
Now a possible solution to our problems that comes to my mind is that India should adopt a compassionate policy towards us, and much more than that, our brothers and sisters in India must start respecting us. Every individual deserves respect and so do we.
Many Kashmiris have lost faith in the Indian system and the reasons are not very difficult to find.
How do you expect someone to trust you when more often than not people start doubting your allegience?
When you are looked upon as a synonym of terrorism?
An outcast?
A Pakistani?
By your own brothers and sisters?
In your own homeland?
I wish someone had answers for these questions.
We need a major shift in the attitute of government and people towards us.
How do you expect someone to trust you when more often than not people start doubting your allegience?
When you are looked upon as a synonym of terrorism?
An outcast?
A Pakistani?
By your own brothers and sisters?
In your own homeland?
I wish someone had answers for these questions.
We need a major shift in the attitute of government and people towards us.
The world has been hearing echoes of Kashmir being an integral part of India.
Has somebody ever heard anyone claiming "Kashmiris" to be integral part of India?
I bet no one ever has.
Has somebody ever heard anyone claiming "Kashmiris" to be integral part of India?
I bet no one ever has.
Time for some introspection brothers!
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